House MD is a medical drama that revolves around a narcissistic doctor Gregory House along with his diagnostic team. So in each episode he ends up figuring
out an impossible un-thought of disease for the patient and ends up saving the patient's life.
He is an unconventional medical genius who works for the fictional Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital under Lisa Cuddy who is the dean of medicine.
Here, I have compiled every season in torrents and put it in the drive. If you want to download every season separately, Please click on the names of the seasons below. If you want to download the whole thing at once along with the extras, click on the link at the end of the page. Each individual seasons is 2-3 GB in mkv format. However, the season 1-8 pack is 43 GB approximately, of a better video & audio quality.
Seasons Overview.
Season 1:
We are introduced to House and his crazy ways in this season. Despite being a genius, he never works properly at the hospital , but his boss Lisa Cuddy keeps him because he solves cases that no one can solve. We also get to know that House has only one friend, Dr James Wilson working as the head of the Oncology Department.
Things go pretty fine until, a new chairman, Edward Vogler arrives and House disobeys him causing him to constantly trouble House and end up in Dr Allison Cameron leaving only to return once Vogler leaves the Hospital along with his million Dollars.
We also meet Stacy Werner, House's ex- wife in the end.
His Diagnostic team in season 1:
1. Eric Foreman - Neurologist
2. Allison Cameron - Immunologist
3. Robert Chase - Cardiologist
Season 2:
Season 2 largely followed the pattern of Season 1 with one big twist. To humanize its protagonist, the series delves deeper into the past of Gregory House by making him continue to face his past with the one true love of his life to that point, Stacy Warner. We find out the ultimate loner longs for the connection he had with this woman. He makes the transition from a juvenile personality who is obsessed with getting Stacy just to admit she’s still in love with him to a hurt adult who realizes that she’s much better off without him. Unlike Lisa Cuddy in Season 7, Stacy realizes House is right just at the moment when it appears that their relationship appears to once again become permanent. However, no matter how noble House’s motives when he lets Stacy return to her husband Mark, it’s clear both that the second separation is having a tremendous effect on him and that he’s never going to admit it to himself.
The other characters start to develop as well. When Allison Cameron treats a party boy she experiments with Ecstacy and with Robert Chase, but immediately regrets both. Meanwhile, we learn more about the atrophied personal life of Eric Foreman where he faces the choice of either death or permanent brain damage when he catches a disease from a patient and decides to reconnect with his father. We also get a much deeper insight into House himself when his parents John House and Blythe House drop by the hospital for a visit. We also see House finding it difficult to be his usual self when Eric Foreman is ill. Cuddy’s sick handyman exposes her inability to be objective with people she cares about - a pattern that continues in several cases throughout the series.
Season 3:
House recovers from his gunshot wounds, but despite his pain temporarily disappearing and the fact that his leg is working again, he is soon back on Vicodin. He runs into a particularly difficult patient at the clinic, who turns out to be a police officer, who then makes it his business to get House sent to jail for possessing Vicodin illegally. Unfortunately, House has used Wilson's prescription pad to forge his own prescriptions, even though Wilson has been supplying him with Vicodin freely. House nearly goes to jail, but Cuddy then perjures herself in court to have the charges dismissed.
Allison Cameron looks at her poor social life and decides to fill the hole in her sex life with Robert Chase. She demands a "no strings attached" relationship, and everyone predicts that Chase will dump her at some point, leaving the vulnerable Cameron heartbroken. Instead, it's Chase who becomes emotionally attached. When he professes he wants a deeper relationship, Cameron cuts off the sex. Chase won't let the matter drop and institutes the tradition of I love you Tuesdays, reminding Cameron how much he likes her every Tuesday, and insisting that given her empathetic nature she can't possibly not have feelings for a man she's worked with for three years.
Work continues normally until Foreman, fearing that he's becoming too much like House decides he wants to leave the hospital for good. Despite Cuddy and Wilson imploring House to get Foreman to stay, House instead fires Chase for no reason and then Cameron decides to quit as well, leaving House without a team to help him. However, when Cameron realizes Chase will soon be out of her life, she quickly changes her tune and shows up on his doorstep.
This season also features the last appearance of Nurse Previn in the episode Que Sera Sera. It also marks the only appearance of Foreman’s mother Alicia Foreman.
Season 4:
After losing his original diagnostic team, House decides that he doesn't need fellows as he feels that he can handle a case all on his own but after taking a long time to solve a case, Cuddy insists that he start looking for possible doctors to join his new team. House grudgingly accepts and gets forty applicants together and has a reality show style contest to see which lucky three applicants will stay on to get the vacant fellowship openings. Meanwhile, Cameron and Chase come back to work at the hospital, while Foreman starts work in a job similar to House's at another hospital. However, Foreman is soon fired for doing exactly what House would do and winds up back at Princeton-Plainsboro. House wants nothing to do with him, but Cuddy insists he can only hire two new fellows and must have Foreman on his team to keep an eye on him.
After some false starts, House decides on a fortyish plastic surgeon, Chris Taub, and a young rehabilitation specialist, Lawrence Kutner. He also manipulates Cuddy into hiring Number 13, a beautiful but mysterious internist. Meanwhile, Foreman stays on, and becomes more and more like House with each passing day.
Meanwhile, House starts fearing the loss of his best friend when it is revealed that Wilson has been dating Amber for several months without letting House know. Meanwhile, everyone starts speculating about why Number 13 is being so guarded, and Foreman lets it slip that he thinks she is bisexual, leading to rampant speculation by the rest of the medical staff.
Tragedy strikes when House is injured in a bus crash, suffering a concussion. He is sure that one of the other passengers on the bus was suffering from a medical condition, but his injury prevents him from remembering who it was or what the condition was. Finally he remembers - for some unexplained reason, Amber was on the bus with him and she was badly injured in the crash and is being treated as a Jane Doe patient at another hospital. Wilson eventually learns that the reason Amber was on the bus was to attempt to get House home safely after a night of drinking, leaving House and his friendship in risk.
His new team in this season is :
1. Eric Foreman : Neurologist
2. Chris Taub : Plastic Surgeon
3. Remy "13" Hadley : Internist
4. Lawrence Kutner : Sports Medic
Season 5:
Wilson slowly starts to recover from Amber's untimely death, but begins to re evaluate his life and to contemplate resigning from his post at the hospital. House's original regret over his role in Amber's death seems to have worn off as instead of being supportive, he merely tries to convince Wilson that he is overreacting to the situation. However, Wilson winds up leaving his post.
House's father dies, and House tries to dodge the funeral, only to have Wilson return as a favor to Cuddy and Blythe House to ensure that House makes it. During the trip, the details of the beginnings of their friendship are revealed. House also reveals that he suspected John House wasn't his biological father and House points out a family friend at the service who House believes really is his father. After they return to Princeton, Wilson realizes he hadn't had this kind of fun since the day Amber died and decides to return to Princeton-Plainsboro.
However, Wilson has to come to terms with another loss - his homeless brother Danny reappears in his life when he is found in New York City. Wilson finds that Danny is now a stranger to him and that the initial incident that led to his disappearance has shaped his behavior in ways only House seems to fully comprehend.
Thirteen has to confront the reality, forced upon her by Amber's death at an early age, that she too is facing a lifetime with a devastating illness. Her behavior quickly starts to deteriorate and she is fired and then re-hired. However, she soon returns to her undisciplined ways. As a result, Foreman begins first to get concerned about her behavior, then starts to feel protective. It soon blooms into a romance, but House feels it is affecting their medical judgement and tries to make them break up.
Cuddy tries to adopt, but after House tries to convince her not to, the adoption falls through anyway. When House tries to show his condolences and Cuddy snaps at him for changing his tune, they embrace and kiss. Wilson realizes that the two are very attracted to each other and attempts to make them confront their feelings. We soon begin to realize that although they are both reluctant to begin a romantic relationship, both want the other to be more involved in their lives.
Cuddy finds another girl to adopt, Rachel. Feeling overwhelmed by both her hospital responsibilities and the demands of a new child, she accepts Wilson's suggestion that she hand over some of her hospital duties to a deputy. To handle the almost full-time job of supervising House, she turns to Cameron, who is incredibly adept at handling her old boss, but soon realizes she isn't up to the challenge on a constant basis and that anyone else would just say "no" to House all the time. Cuddy returns to cover all her duties and starts to make House's life as miserable as possible for keeping her away from her child, including posting signs on the elevator that it is scheduled for maintenance (which it's not) and setting up a trip wire in the doorway or part of his office. She later stops tormenting House when she decides that making his life miserable won't do any good.
House comes to work in a good mood, setting everybody off. Wilson and Foreman conclude that House is taking heroin. Wilson takes House out to dinner and buys him a drink, and after House drinks it, he walks off indignant that Wilson would suspect that he is taking heroin. However, Wilson follows him and finds him puking it up out back by a dumpster, House finally admits he is taking Methadone because it has put an end to the pain in his leg. After threatening to leave if Cuddy won't agree to methadone treatment, he instead goes back to Vicodin because his changed behavior with methadone almost cost a patient his life.
The entire team is shocked and confused when Kutner commits suicide and the whole team is saddened by his loss. House, not wanting to think he couldn't see it coming, reaches the conclusion that it was murder, until he looks through a bunch of photos and finds one showing a lone Kutner with a blank expression - in contrast to the smile he wore in the other photos when he was with other people.
Not long after Kutner's suicide, House develops severe insomnia and begins to hallucinate, seeing visions of Amber. These visions are extremely vivid and allow House a direct line to his own sub-conscious. However, House is soon carrying out actual conversations with Amber to the point where he uses a Bluetooth Headset while at the Hospital so it does not appear he's talking to himself. After subjecting himself to a number of dangerous treatments, the hallucinations are eventually shown to be an obvious and common result of Vicodin abuse.
Chase and Cameron start getting more serious about their relationship. Eventually, Chase plans to propose to Cameron, but when she learns about his plans, she starts making excuses not to go away with him. She finally confesses that she doesn't know what do. Chase proposes anyway, and Cameron finally accepts. Shortly thereafter, House takes over the planning of Chase's bachelor party, hiring a stripper and hosting it at Wilson's apartment. While at the bachelor party, Chase does a body shot off of Karamel, a stripper suggested by the Amber hallucination who was also at Wilson's bachelor party for his third wife. The stripper had used strawberry body butter, and as a result of his strawberry allergy, Chase goes into an anaphylactic shock, and is saved by a medical student with an Epipen. House realizes that he knew about Karamel's body butter and that the his sub-conscious was out to get Chase - the Amber hallucination has become dangerous.
After Chase recovers, he and Cameron continue with their wedding plans. Cameron reveals that she was keeping a frozen sample of her deceased first husband's sperm in case she never found a new person but still wanted to have children. They finally compromise with Chase agreeing she can keep the sample.
House eventually believes he has confessed the hallucinations to Cuddy and that she helped him through the painful withdrawal process. After House dries out, he starts to kiss in her and it was implied that they made love afterwards. The encounter, however, was eventually revealed to be an elaborate hallucination and delusion. As House realizes this, he hallucinates about both Amber and Kutner.
The season ends with alternating shots of Cuddy, Foreman, Taub and Thirteen enjoying Cameron and Chase's wedding and Wilson driving House to a sanatorium, which House willingly enters.
Season 6:
Having willingly entered Mayfield Psychiatric Hospital, House comes under the care of Dr. Nolan, who is tasked with treating the world's best diagnostician. As a voluntary patient, House can leave any time he wants, but with his medical license in jeopardy because of his psychosis, he has to rely on Dr. Nolan's approval before being allowed to return to the practice of medicine. After accepting his treatment, eventually Dr. Nolan gives him his approval. However, House is soon tempted to start taking Vicodin again, Dr. Nolan suggests that he quit diagnostic medicine and go into research. He does so and also takes up cooking with Wilson. However, House's break doesn't last long and he is soon back to solving medical mysteries. When Dr. Nolan sees that this is the only thing that takes House's mind off his pain, he agrees.
Meanwhile, Eric Foreman takes over what's left of the diagnostic department in House's absence. However, his authority and the stress of the new position start to affect his relationship with Thirteen. In addition, Chris Taub considers his loss of income, the drop down in reputation from working for Foreman instead of House, and his persistent fear of extreme medicine and once again tenders his resignation. Foreman realizes he can't work with Thirteen as her boss because she's afraid to challenge him on diagnoses - he fires her and asks Allison Cameron and Robert Chase to return to the team.
However, after Chase treads a thin moral line on a case involving an African dictator, he starts to fall apart. Cameron notices Chase is acting weird and believes he is having an affair. Chase finally comes clean and finds Cameron to be surprisingly supportive. They decide they should get out of Princeton while the getting's good. They plan to quit the hospital together and go somewhere else where they can focus on their relationship and on each other.
House's medical license is finally reinstated and he starts a plan to get all his old team members back, playing on Chase's fear of losing Cameron, Cameron's underlying love of diagnostic medicine, Taub's boredom with plastic surgery, and Thirteen's newfound adventurism in the face of her terminal illness. He succeeds brilliantly with everyone except Cameron, who realizes House put the patient's life at risk merely to manipulate everyone into working for him again. She realizes that she was a fool to have loved House and that his ego was what drove Chase to think he could play God with a patient's life. She leaves House, Chase and Princeton-Plainsboro for good.
House also has to come to terms with his attraction to Lisa Cuddy. He follows her to a medical convention, only to find out that Lucas Douglas has "got there first". His immediate reaction is to try to break them up, but when Cuddy announces a break-up with Lucas, it soon become apparent they faked it just to get House off their back, and that he didn't fall for it for long.
When Wilson starts to get re-involved with his first wife, House starts to fear that Wilson won't have time for him either, and his fears are confirmed when Wilson asks him to move out. Though later on, Wilson apologizes to House for kicking him out, and asks him to come back for a bit longer until he finds a new apartment, but House refuses. Once again, his leg pain starts to get worse and when Dr. Nolan confronts him about his relationships, House cuts off his relationship and tries to go it alone.
However, House soon learns that Cuddy and Lucas have gotten engaged. After losing a patient, House turns back to an old supply of Vicodin when all of a sudden Cuddy comes to him to tell him she's broken off the engagement. She tells House she loves him, even though she wishes she didn't but she says she can't help it. She helps him up off the floor and they kiss while holding hands
Season 7:
House and Cuddy make their relationship public, but despite the fact that they are both happier than they have been for years, they both see problems. House is sure that Cuddy is merely hopped up on the sex and good feelings that are typical early in the relationship and that she will dump him once she realizes what she's gotten herself into. Cuddy is sure that her supervisory role over House is either going to poison their relationship or ruin House's medical skills, and she's uncomfortable with many aspects of House's past, such as the prostitute he's still seeing for non-sexual purposes. House is also not certain he wants to have a role in Rachel Cuddy's life and starts to balk at the responsibility, although towards the end of the season, House and Rachel seem to share a strange bond over a cartoon about pirates.
Throughout the season we see that House chooses his own interests over Cuddy until Cuddy comes down with what seems to be cancer that has metastasized, which will most likely result in her death. It is learned, though, that the tumor is benign and the metastasis was just harmless inflammation, and what was thought to be the cancer spreading was an allergy to antibiotics. Even so, Cuddy is disappointed in House for never truly being there for her, and furthermore that he decided to take Vicodin before showing up for her surgery, and thus ends her relationship with him. House returns not only to his Vicodin habit, but also appears to lose his interest in even the medical puzzles he once found fulfillment in solving.
Thirteen arranges personal leave and the team decides she's off to Rome for experimental treatment for her Huntington's. However, when she doesn't appear on the clinic's patient list, they realize she's disappeared without a trace. A year later, however, House has figured out that Thirteen has been in jail for the past six months, and therefore goes to meet her the day she was due to be released. On their road trip, Thirteen and House catch up, with House continually trying to deduce why she was in jail despite claiming down to excessive prescribing. After a hard reveal by House that Cuddy and him were an item and currently aren't, Thirteen reveals that she killed a man. However, the next day, at the spud gun competition, Thirteen slips in her story by saying "us", which then leads House to solve the puzzle and deduce that Thirteen euthanized her sibling with Hungtington's Disease, meaning the original leave was to take care of her dying brother. Even so, House allows her in on the case he was on during the road trip, and to the team's surprise, Thirteen solves the case for them. Afterward, House promises to be there to euthanize Thirteen when the time comes in her own battle with Huntington's.
While Thirteen is absent, Cuddy insists that House hire a new female to replace her for the time being, but when House fires the initial new fellows, Cuddy sticks him with a bright young medical student, Martha M. Masters. This leads to various collisions of personalities when Masters reveals herself to be rather intelligent academically, rather awkward socially, and very persistent about telling the truth. However, her nature tends to lead to contradictions in thought and action, as evidenced when she allows herself to break the rules by falling for a patient while chiding House for using narcotics while on duty and on the hospital's premises. Despite this push and pull, House finally offers Masters a job when she graduates medical school, only to yank it away when she refuses to hand in a log book with a lumbar puncture she didn’t actually perform as a final test from House. However, after doing one more case with House and bending ethics to save her patient, Masters decides to re-evaluate her decision to become a surgeon and to see if she can’t truly excel.
Chase deals with his estrangement from Cameron by engaging in promiscuous sex. After he‘s pranked by a woman who he passed over, and Masters confronts him over his behavior, Chase decides to try celibacy with mixed results.
On the other hand, Wilson seems to be rebuilding his relationship with Sam Carr, only for it to fall apart after a misunderstanding between them over an issue regarding some of her patient files which Wilson feels were falsified but Sam insists were honest mistakes. Wilson decides to fix it by taking in a diabetic cat, and although he was taken out to a bar by House, he finds that he is not ready to date yet.
Feeling that he is a continuing disappointment, Taub divorces his wife. Thrown out of his home, he builds a relationship with Eric Foreman and moves into Foreman‘s spare room. However, when Taub starts dating both a beautiful young CNA, Ruby, and his ex-wife, his life is complicated beyond belief when both women get pregnant.
Season 8:
House starts the year in prison, serving out a long term for his various misdeeds in Moving On. However, it turns out that he didn't even try to get a lesser sentence and took a one-year term without complaint. He blows a chance for early parole in order to prove a fellow patient's diagnosis. Although he plans to withdraw from the practice of medicine, it appears the real co-dependent relationship is between House and the hospital. With House looking at serving at least another six months, the new Dean of Medicine, Eric Foreman approaches House with an offer to return to work.
House accepts the offer and gets out of prison, eventually reconnecting with a doctor who worked in the infirmary who he's made unemployable, Jessica Adams. With one new team member established, he soon meets a bright but timid resident, Chi Park, and adds her to his growing entourage of no-cost doctors as well. He receives a cool welcome from James Wilson, but after a cathartic punch to the nose, the two men reconnect.
However, all is not well at the hospital. House is put on a short leash, and the hospital lacks the funding to provide him with a proper team. Park is his only employee, and House must convince Adams and other doctors to donate their services to help him. House seeks out wealthy patients who can provide him with funding, but the rest of the hospital staff is also working to push House to return to his bad behavior so that Foreman will have to fire him, resulting in House's return to jail.
House gets the money to re-fund his department by pawning a piece of hospital equipment to bet on the market. He also helps Park avoid getting fired for hitting her previous boss. Chase eagerly returns, and even Taub prefers the excitement of saving lives to the routine of fixing noses. However, House initially tries to reconnect with Thirteen, he finally sends her off with her girlfriend to live in Greece.
Taub has other problems. Both his ex-wife and ex-girlfriend are furious with him, and he's on the hook for two child support payments and one alimony payment. Not only that, the mothers choose the names Sophie and Sophia. In addition, Rachel announces that she wants to move to Seattle with her new boyfriend Phil and take Sophia with them. After a lot of soul searching, Taub refuses.
The routine of weird cases continue until February. However, when treating a chemistry teacher, Chase and Adams are in the room when the patient suffers a psychotic break. In the melee, Chase is badly stabbed and the life-saving surgery nearly costs him the use of his legs as well. He takes a lengthy leave of absence and, when he returns, has an inappropriate relationship with a patient. When she leaves him to return to be a nun, Chase decides to return to the team.
However, it's House soon having woman problems as his immigration wife Dominika returns from Atlantic City to tell House that the immigration authorities are coming to test whether their marriage is real. House tries to blow her off, but an offer of $30,000 if he succeeds is too much for him. Unfortunately, they blow the test, but Dominika pleads that she loves House and asks that he not be punished. Immigration gives them one more chance, but it means they have to live together for real. To House's surprise, he enjoys spending time with Dominika and when her citizenship is granted, he keeps this knowledge from her so she will stay. Unfortunately, she discovers the deception and leaves him.
As for the other woman in his life, House works through some issues with his mother. She shows up in Princeton with her new fiance, Thomas Bell, a man who House has believed for forty years was his biological father. At a cathartic dinner, House reveals his immigration wife (which Bell supports given the U.S. immigration system) and his stint in prison (which his mother knew about from reading the Princeton newspapers). She also admits she and Bell got married shortly after John House died. House finally confronts her about Bell, and she admits she deceived both of them. After the initial shock, Bell reaches out to House. However, Wilson is too tempted and tests Bell's DNA - he's not House's biological father either.
At the end of the series, it's House's most important relationship at stake when James Wilson reveals he has inoperable cancer. Despite being an oncologist, he rejects the conventional therapy for his thymoma and instead gets House to agree to try a short course of radical chemotherapy in order to shrink the tumor and make it operable. Wilson survives the treatment, but it doesn't work - the tumor remains inoperable, meaning that without treatment, Wilson will survive no longer than five months and, even with treatment, three years would be an exceptional lifespan.
Given the options of spending two years in and out of hospitals or six months in fairly good health doing what he wants, Wilson opts not to accept treatment. House is furious and the men go back and forth on the matter, with Wilson changing his mind throughout. Eventually, House comes to terms with Wilson's choice and the two start to plan for their last few months together. At that point, Foreman drops a bombshell - because of a disastrous prank, House has to go back to jail for the next six months.
Meanwhile, with House spending more time with Wilson, the team find themselves increasingly on their own. Chase starts to take the lead on the team, but when they treat one of his rivals, a doctor who was also up for the fellowship Chase received, Chase begins to re-examine his life and decides to leave the team at the end of the case. Finally realizing that he doesn't have to be exactly like House to be a great doctor, he starts using his own strengths and solves yet another case. Foreman offers him a promotion to stay, but Chase feels that he has to get out of House's shadow once and for all and leaves the hospital.
With prison looming, House hatches a number of crazy schemes in an attempt to stay out of jail long enough to be with Wilson during the last months of his life. However, when they all fail, he comes up with the craziest scheme yet - faking his own death. This one works and he has the pleasure of texting Wilson during his own funeral to tell him to shut up. The two men head off on motorcycles to enjoy the rest of Wilson's life and House's death.
out an impossible un-thought of disease for the patient and ends up saving the patient's life.
He is an unconventional medical genius who works for the fictional Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital under Lisa Cuddy who is the dean of medicine.
Here, I have compiled every season in torrents and put it in the drive. If you want to download every season separately, Please click on the names of the seasons below. If you want to download the whole thing at once along with the extras, click on the link at the end of the page. Each individual seasons is 2-3 GB in mkv format. However, the season 1-8 pack is 43 GB approximately, of a better video & audio quality.
Seasons Overview.
Season 1:
We are introduced to House and his crazy ways in this season. Despite being a genius, he never works properly at the hospital , but his boss Lisa Cuddy keeps him because he solves cases that no one can solve. We also get to know that House has only one friend, Dr James Wilson working as the head of the Oncology Department.
Things go pretty fine until, a new chairman, Edward Vogler arrives and House disobeys him causing him to constantly trouble House and end up in Dr Allison Cameron leaving only to return once Vogler leaves the Hospital along with his million Dollars.
We also meet Stacy Werner, House's ex- wife in the end.
His Diagnostic team in season 1:
1. Eric Foreman - Neurologist
2. Allison Cameron - Immunologist
3. Robert Chase - Cardiologist
Season 2:
Season 2 largely followed the pattern of Season 1 with one big twist. To humanize its protagonist, the series delves deeper into the past of Gregory House by making him continue to face his past with the one true love of his life to that point, Stacy Warner. We find out the ultimate loner longs for the connection he had with this woman. He makes the transition from a juvenile personality who is obsessed with getting Stacy just to admit she’s still in love with him to a hurt adult who realizes that she’s much better off without him. Unlike Lisa Cuddy in Season 7, Stacy realizes House is right just at the moment when it appears that their relationship appears to once again become permanent. However, no matter how noble House’s motives when he lets Stacy return to her husband Mark, it’s clear both that the second separation is having a tremendous effect on him and that he’s never going to admit it to himself.
The other characters start to develop as well. When Allison Cameron treats a party boy she experiments with Ecstacy and with Robert Chase, but immediately regrets both. Meanwhile, we learn more about the atrophied personal life of Eric Foreman where he faces the choice of either death or permanent brain damage when he catches a disease from a patient and decides to reconnect with his father. We also get a much deeper insight into House himself when his parents John House and Blythe House drop by the hospital for a visit. We also see House finding it difficult to be his usual self when Eric Foreman is ill. Cuddy’s sick handyman exposes her inability to be objective with people she cares about - a pattern that continues in several cases throughout the series.
Season 3:
House recovers from his gunshot wounds, but despite his pain temporarily disappearing and the fact that his leg is working again, he is soon back on Vicodin. He runs into a particularly difficult patient at the clinic, who turns out to be a police officer, who then makes it his business to get House sent to jail for possessing Vicodin illegally. Unfortunately, House has used Wilson's prescription pad to forge his own prescriptions, even though Wilson has been supplying him with Vicodin freely. House nearly goes to jail, but Cuddy then perjures herself in court to have the charges dismissed.
Allison Cameron looks at her poor social life and decides to fill the hole in her sex life with Robert Chase. She demands a "no strings attached" relationship, and everyone predicts that Chase will dump her at some point, leaving the vulnerable Cameron heartbroken. Instead, it's Chase who becomes emotionally attached. When he professes he wants a deeper relationship, Cameron cuts off the sex. Chase won't let the matter drop and institutes the tradition of I love you Tuesdays, reminding Cameron how much he likes her every Tuesday, and insisting that given her empathetic nature she can't possibly not have feelings for a man she's worked with for three years.
Work continues normally until Foreman, fearing that he's becoming too much like House decides he wants to leave the hospital for good. Despite Cuddy and Wilson imploring House to get Foreman to stay, House instead fires Chase for no reason and then Cameron decides to quit as well, leaving House without a team to help him. However, when Cameron realizes Chase will soon be out of her life, she quickly changes her tune and shows up on his doorstep.
This season also features the last appearance of Nurse Previn in the episode Que Sera Sera. It also marks the only appearance of Foreman’s mother Alicia Foreman.
Season 4:
After losing his original diagnostic team, House decides that he doesn't need fellows as he feels that he can handle a case all on his own but after taking a long time to solve a case, Cuddy insists that he start looking for possible doctors to join his new team. House grudgingly accepts and gets forty applicants together and has a reality show style contest to see which lucky three applicants will stay on to get the vacant fellowship openings. Meanwhile, Cameron and Chase come back to work at the hospital, while Foreman starts work in a job similar to House's at another hospital. However, Foreman is soon fired for doing exactly what House would do and winds up back at Princeton-Plainsboro. House wants nothing to do with him, but Cuddy insists he can only hire two new fellows and must have Foreman on his team to keep an eye on him.
After some false starts, House decides on a fortyish plastic surgeon, Chris Taub, and a young rehabilitation specialist, Lawrence Kutner. He also manipulates Cuddy into hiring Number 13, a beautiful but mysterious internist. Meanwhile, Foreman stays on, and becomes more and more like House with each passing day.
Meanwhile, House starts fearing the loss of his best friend when it is revealed that Wilson has been dating Amber for several months without letting House know. Meanwhile, everyone starts speculating about why Number 13 is being so guarded, and Foreman lets it slip that he thinks she is bisexual, leading to rampant speculation by the rest of the medical staff.
Tragedy strikes when House is injured in a bus crash, suffering a concussion. He is sure that one of the other passengers on the bus was suffering from a medical condition, but his injury prevents him from remembering who it was or what the condition was. Finally he remembers - for some unexplained reason, Amber was on the bus with him and she was badly injured in the crash and is being treated as a Jane Doe patient at another hospital. Wilson eventually learns that the reason Amber was on the bus was to attempt to get House home safely after a night of drinking, leaving House and his friendship in risk.
His new team in this season is :
1. Eric Foreman : Neurologist
2. Chris Taub : Plastic Surgeon
3. Remy "13" Hadley : Internist
4. Lawrence Kutner : Sports Medic
Season 5:
Wilson slowly starts to recover from Amber's untimely death, but begins to re evaluate his life and to contemplate resigning from his post at the hospital. House's original regret over his role in Amber's death seems to have worn off as instead of being supportive, he merely tries to convince Wilson that he is overreacting to the situation. However, Wilson winds up leaving his post.
House's father dies, and House tries to dodge the funeral, only to have Wilson return as a favor to Cuddy and Blythe House to ensure that House makes it. During the trip, the details of the beginnings of their friendship are revealed. House also reveals that he suspected John House wasn't his biological father and House points out a family friend at the service who House believes really is his father. After they return to Princeton, Wilson realizes he hadn't had this kind of fun since the day Amber died and decides to return to Princeton-Plainsboro.
However, Wilson has to come to terms with another loss - his homeless brother Danny reappears in his life when he is found in New York City. Wilson finds that Danny is now a stranger to him and that the initial incident that led to his disappearance has shaped his behavior in ways only House seems to fully comprehend.
Thirteen has to confront the reality, forced upon her by Amber's death at an early age, that she too is facing a lifetime with a devastating illness. Her behavior quickly starts to deteriorate and she is fired and then re-hired. However, she soon returns to her undisciplined ways. As a result, Foreman begins first to get concerned about her behavior, then starts to feel protective. It soon blooms into a romance, but House feels it is affecting their medical judgement and tries to make them break up.
Cuddy tries to adopt, but after House tries to convince her not to, the adoption falls through anyway. When House tries to show his condolences and Cuddy snaps at him for changing his tune, they embrace and kiss. Wilson realizes that the two are very attracted to each other and attempts to make them confront their feelings. We soon begin to realize that although they are both reluctant to begin a romantic relationship, both want the other to be more involved in their lives.
Cuddy finds another girl to adopt, Rachel. Feeling overwhelmed by both her hospital responsibilities and the demands of a new child, she accepts Wilson's suggestion that she hand over some of her hospital duties to a deputy. To handle the almost full-time job of supervising House, she turns to Cameron, who is incredibly adept at handling her old boss, but soon realizes she isn't up to the challenge on a constant basis and that anyone else would just say "no" to House all the time. Cuddy returns to cover all her duties and starts to make House's life as miserable as possible for keeping her away from her child, including posting signs on the elevator that it is scheduled for maintenance (which it's not) and setting up a trip wire in the doorway or part of his office. She later stops tormenting House when she decides that making his life miserable won't do any good.
House comes to work in a good mood, setting everybody off. Wilson and Foreman conclude that House is taking heroin. Wilson takes House out to dinner and buys him a drink, and after House drinks it, he walks off indignant that Wilson would suspect that he is taking heroin. However, Wilson follows him and finds him puking it up out back by a dumpster, House finally admits he is taking Methadone because it has put an end to the pain in his leg. After threatening to leave if Cuddy won't agree to methadone treatment, he instead goes back to Vicodin because his changed behavior with methadone almost cost a patient his life.
The entire team is shocked and confused when Kutner commits suicide and the whole team is saddened by his loss. House, not wanting to think he couldn't see it coming, reaches the conclusion that it was murder, until he looks through a bunch of photos and finds one showing a lone Kutner with a blank expression - in contrast to the smile he wore in the other photos when he was with other people.
Not long after Kutner's suicide, House develops severe insomnia and begins to hallucinate, seeing visions of Amber. These visions are extremely vivid and allow House a direct line to his own sub-conscious. However, House is soon carrying out actual conversations with Amber to the point where he uses a Bluetooth Headset while at the Hospital so it does not appear he's talking to himself. After subjecting himself to a number of dangerous treatments, the hallucinations are eventually shown to be an obvious and common result of Vicodin abuse.
Chase and Cameron start getting more serious about their relationship. Eventually, Chase plans to propose to Cameron, but when she learns about his plans, she starts making excuses not to go away with him. She finally confesses that she doesn't know what do. Chase proposes anyway, and Cameron finally accepts. Shortly thereafter, House takes over the planning of Chase's bachelor party, hiring a stripper and hosting it at Wilson's apartment. While at the bachelor party, Chase does a body shot off of Karamel, a stripper suggested by the Amber hallucination who was also at Wilson's bachelor party for his third wife. The stripper had used strawberry body butter, and as a result of his strawberry allergy, Chase goes into an anaphylactic shock, and is saved by a medical student with an Epipen. House realizes that he knew about Karamel's body butter and that the his sub-conscious was out to get Chase - the Amber hallucination has become dangerous.
After Chase recovers, he and Cameron continue with their wedding plans. Cameron reveals that she was keeping a frozen sample of her deceased first husband's sperm in case she never found a new person but still wanted to have children. They finally compromise with Chase agreeing she can keep the sample.
House eventually believes he has confessed the hallucinations to Cuddy and that she helped him through the painful withdrawal process. After House dries out, he starts to kiss in her and it was implied that they made love afterwards. The encounter, however, was eventually revealed to be an elaborate hallucination and delusion. As House realizes this, he hallucinates about both Amber and Kutner.
The season ends with alternating shots of Cuddy, Foreman, Taub and Thirteen enjoying Cameron and Chase's wedding and Wilson driving House to a sanatorium, which House willingly enters.
Season 6:
Having willingly entered Mayfield Psychiatric Hospital, House comes under the care of Dr. Nolan, who is tasked with treating the world's best diagnostician. As a voluntary patient, House can leave any time he wants, but with his medical license in jeopardy because of his psychosis, he has to rely on Dr. Nolan's approval before being allowed to return to the practice of medicine. After accepting his treatment, eventually Dr. Nolan gives him his approval. However, House is soon tempted to start taking Vicodin again, Dr. Nolan suggests that he quit diagnostic medicine and go into research. He does so and also takes up cooking with Wilson. However, House's break doesn't last long and he is soon back to solving medical mysteries. When Dr. Nolan sees that this is the only thing that takes House's mind off his pain, he agrees.
Meanwhile, Eric Foreman takes over what's left of the diagnostic department in House's absence. However, his authority and the stress of the new position start to affect his relationship with Thirteen. In addition, Chris Taub considers his loss of income, the drop down in reputation from working for Foreman instead of House, and his persistent fear of extreme medicine and once again tenders his resignation. Foreman realizes he can't work with Thirteen as her boss because she's afraid to challenge him on diagnoses - he fires her and asks Allison Cameron and Robert Chase to return to the team.
However, after Chase treads a thin moral line on a case involving an African dictator, he starts to fall apart. Cameron notices Chase is acting weird and believes he is having an affair. Chase finally comes clean and finds Cameron to be surprisingly supportive. They decide they should get out of Princeton while the getting's good. They plan to quit the hospital together and go somewhere else where they can focus on their relationship and on each other.
House's medical license is finally reinstated and he starts a plan to get all his old team members back, playing on Chase's fear of losing Cameron, Cameron's underlying love of diagnostic medicine, Taub's boredom with plastic surgery, and Thirteen's newfound adventurism in the face of her terminal illness. He succeeds brilliantly with everyone except Cameron, who realizes House put the patient's life at risk merely to manipulate everyone into working for him again. She realizes that she was a fool to have loved House and that his ego was what drove Chase to think he could play God with a patient's life. She leaves House, Chase and Princeton-Plainsboro for good.
House also has to come to terms with his attraction to Lisa Cuddy. He follows her to a medical convention, only to find out that Lucas Douglas has "got there first". His immediate reaction is to try to break them up, but when Cuddy announces a break-up with Lucas, it soon become apparent they faked it just to get House off their back, and that he didn't fall for it for long.
When Wilson starts to get re-involved with his first wife, House starts to fear that Wilson won't have time for him either, and his fears are confirmed when Wilson asks him to move out. Though later on, Wilson apologizes to House for kicking him out, and asks him to come back for a bit longer until he finds a new apartment, but House refuses. Once again, his leg pain starts to get worse and when Dr. Nolan confronts him about his relationships, House cuts off his relationship and tries to go it alone.
However, House soon learns that Cuddy and Lucas have gotten engaged. After losing a patient, House turns back to an old supply of Vicodin when all of a sudden Cuddy comes to him to tell him she's broken off the engagement. She tells House she loves him, even though she wishes she didn't but she says she can't help it. She helps him up off the floor and they kiss while holding hands
Season 7:
House and Cuddy make their relationship public, but despite the fact that they are both happier than they have been for years, they both see problems. House is sure that Cuddy is merely hopped up on the sex and good feelings that are typical early in the relationship and that she will dump him once she realizes what she's gotten herself into. Cuddy is sure that her supervisory role over House is either going to poison their relationship or ruin House's medical skills, and she's uncomfortable with many aspects of House's past, such as the prostitute he's still seeing for non-sexual purposes. House is also not certain he wants to have a role in Rachel Cuddy's life and starts to balk at the responsibility, although towards the end of the season, House and Rachel seem to share a strange bond over a cartoon about pirates.
Throughout the season we see that House chooses his own interests over Cuddy until Cuddy comes down with what seems to be cancer that has metastasized, which will most likely result in her death. It is learned, though, that the tumor is benign and the metastasis was just harmless inflammation, and what was thought to be the cancer spreading was an allergy to antibiotics. Even so, Cuddy is disappointed in House for never truly being there for her, and furthermore that he decided to take Vicodin before showing up for her surgery, and thus ends her relationship with him. House returns not only to his Vicodin habit, but also appears to lose his interest in even the medical puzzles he once found fulfillment in solving.
Thirteen arranges personal leave and the team decides she's off to Rome for experimental treatment for her Huntington's. However, when she doesn't appear on the clinic's patient list, they realize she's disappeared without a trace. A year later, however, House has figured out that Thirteen has been in jail for the past six months, and therefore goes to meet her the day she was due to be released. On their road trip, Thirteen and House catch up, with House continually trying to deduce why she was in jail despite claiming down to excessive prescribing. After a hard reveal by House that Cuddy and him were an item and currently aren't, Thirteen reveals that she killed a man. However, the next day, at the spud gun competition, Thirteen slips in her story by saying "us", which then leads House to solve the puzzle and deduce that Thirteen euthanized her sibling with Hungtington's Disease, meaning the original leave was to take care of her dying brother. Even so, House allows her in on the case he was on during the road trip, and to the team's surprise, Thirteen solves the case for them. Afterward, House promises to be there to euthanize Thirteen when the time comes in her own battle with Huntington's.
While Thirteen is absent, Cuddy insists that House hire a new female to replace her for the time being, but when House fires the initial new fellows, Cuddy sticks him with a bright young medical student, Martha M. Masters. This leads to various collisions of personalities when Masters reveals herself to be rather intelligent academically, rather awkward socially, and very persistent about telling the truth. However, her nature tends to lead to contradictions in thought and action, as evidenced when she allows herself to break the rules by falling for a patient while chiding House for using narcotics while on duty and on the hospital's premises. Despite this push and pull, House finally offers Masters a job when she graduates medical school, only to yank it away when she refuses to hand in a log book with a lumbar puncture she didn’t actually perform as a final test from House. However, after doing one more case with House and bending ethics to save her patient, Masters decides to re-evaluate her decision to become a surgeon and to see if she can’t truly excel.
Chase deals with his estrangement from Cameron by engaging in promiscuous sex. After he‘s pranked by a woman who he passed over, and Masters confronts him over his behavior, Chase decides to try celibacy with mixed results.
On the other hand, Wilson seems to be rebuilding his relationship with Sam Carr, only for it to fall apart after a misunderstanding between them over an issue regarding some of her patient files which Wilson feels were falsified but Sam insists were honest mistakes. Wilson decides to fix it by taking in a diabetic cat, and although he was taken out to a bar by House, he finds that he is not ready to date yet.
Feeling that he is a continuing disappointment, Taub divorces his wife. Thrown out of his home, he builds a relationship with Eric Foreman and moves into Foreman‘s spare room. However, when Taub starts dating both a beautiful young CNA, Ruby, and his ex-wife, his life is complicated beyond belief when both women get pregnant.
Season 8:
House starts the year in prison, serving out a long term for his various misdeeds in Moving On. However, it turns out that he didn't even try to get a lesser sentence and took a one-year term without complaint. He blows a chance for early parole in order to prove a fellow patient's diagnosis. Although he plans to withdraw from the practice of medicine, it appears the real co-dependent relationship is between House and the hospital. With House looking at serving at least another six months, the new Dean of Medicine, Eric Foreman approaches House with an offer to return to work.
House accepts the offer and gets out of prison, eventually reconnecting with a doctor who worked in the infirmary who he's made unemployable, Jessica Adams. With one new team member established, he soon meets a bright but timid resident, Chi Park, and adds her to his growing entourage of no-cost doctors as well. He receives a cool welcome from James Wilson, but after a cathartic punch to the nose, the two men reconnect.
However, all is not well at the hospital. House is put on a short leash, and the hospital lacks the funding to provide him with a proper team. Park is his only employee, and House must convince Adams and other doctors to donate their services to help him. House seeks out wealthy patients who can provide him with funding, but the rest of the hospital staff is also working to push House to return to his bad behavior so that Foreman will have to fire him, resulting in House's return to jail.
House gets the money to re-fund his department by pawning a piece of hospital equipment to bet on the market. He also helps Park avoid getting fired for hitting her previous boss. Chase eagerly returns, and even Taub prefers the excitement of saving lives to the routine of fixing noses. However, House initially tries to reconnect with Thirteen, he finally sends her off with her girlfriend to live in Greece.
Taub has other problems. Both his ex-wife and ex-girlfriend are furious with him, and he's on the hook for two child support payments and one alimony payment. Not only that, the mothers choose the names Sophie and Sophia. In addition, Rachel announces that she wants to move to Seattle with her new boyfriend Phil and take Sophia with them. After a lot of soul searching, Taub refuses.
The routine of weird cases continue until February. However, when treating a chemistry teacher, Chase and Adams are in the room when the patient suffers a psychotic break. In the melee, Chase is badly stabbed and the life-saving surgery nearly costs him the use of his legs as well. He takes a lengthy leave of absence and, when he returns, has an inappropriate relationship with a patient. When she leaves him to return to be a nun, Chase decides to return to the team.
However, it's House soon having woman problems as his immigration wife Dominika returns from Atlantic City to tell House that the immigration authorities are coming to test whether their marriage is real. House tries to blow her off, but an offer of $30,000 if he succeeds is too much for him. Unfortunately, they blow the test, but Dominika pleads that she loves House and asks that he not be punished. Immigration gives them one more chance, but it means they have to live together for real. To House's surprise, he enjoys spending time with Dominika and when her citizenship is granted, he keeps this knowledge from her so she will stay. Unfortunately, she discovers the deception and leaves him.
As for the other woman in his life, House works through some issues with his mother. She shows up in Princeton with her new fiance, Thomas Bell, a man who House has believed for forty years was his biological father. At a cathartic dinner, House reveals his immigration wife (which Bell supports given the U.S. immigration system) and his stint in prison (which his mother knew about from reading the Princeton newspapers). She also admits she and Bell got married shortly after John House died. House finally confronts her about Bell, and she admits she deceived both of them. After the initial shock, Bell reaches out to House. However, Wilson is too tempted and tests Bell's DNA - he's not House's biological father either.
At the end of the series, it's House's most important relationship at stake when James Wilson reveals he has inoperable cancer. Despite being an oncologist, he rejects the conventional therapy for his thymoma and instead gets House to agree to try a short course of radical chemotherapy in order to shrink the tumor and make it operable. Wilson survives the treatment, but it doesn't work - the tumor remains inoperable, meaning that without treatment, Wilson will survive no longer than five months and, even with treatment, three years would be an exceptional lifespan.
Given the options of spending two years in and out of hospitals or six months in fairly good health doing what he wants, Wilson opts not to accept treatment. House is furious and the men go back and forth on the matter, with Wilson changing his mind throughout. Eventually, House comes to terms with Wilson's choice and the two start to plan for their last few months together. At that point, Foreman drops a bombshell - because of a disastrous prank, House has to go back to jail for the next six months.
Meanwhile, with House spending more time with Wilson, the team find themselves increasingly on their own. Chase starts to take the lead on the team, but when they treat one of his rivals, a doctor who was also up for the fellowship Chase received, Chase begins to re-examine his life and decides to leave the team at the end of the case. Finally realizing that he doesn't have to be exactly like House to be a great doctor, he starts using his own strengths and solves yet another case. Foreman offers him a promotion to stay, but Chase feels that he has to get out of House's shadow once and for all and leaves the hospital.
With prison looming, House hatches a number of crazy schemes in an attempt to stay out of jail long enough to be with Wilson during the last months of his life. However, when they all fail, he comes up with the craziest scheme yet - faking his own death. This one works and he has the pleasure of texting Wilson during his own funeral to tell him to shut up. The two men head off on motorcycles to enjoy the rest of Wilson's life and House's death.