Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Holy Grail theory

Dear Readers, The First Part of this article is probably fictitious but the second part is actually what happened.

Christianity as we all know was founded by Jesus Christ a Jew, who was a bachelor

and was put to death on a crucifix. Have we ever given a thought as to who were Jesus’ relatives? Is there a blood line to Christ?

The early pagans were worshippers of nature. The worshipped the Sun God or Helios. It is believed that Bible is not written by God of Heaven but instead a product of man. Jesus Christ was a powerful man who had followers.

The Story of Christ is said to have been made up. Odonis and Dionysus were born on December 25th. New Born Krishna was presented with Myrrh frankincense and Gold. The Jews had Saturday as their day of Sabbath. Sadly everything of Christianity is not theirs at all!

Constantine, The Roman Pagan Emperor is said to have made Christianity Popular. He was Pagan through out his life and Baptised on his deathbed too weak to protest. He saw the potential in Christianity and made it popular. He mixed the pagan beliefs with it. He Made Sunday the day of Sabbath because the pagans worshipped the Sun. He knew that pagans were worshippers of Helios. Christianity became popular 4 centuries after Christ because of a pagan.

The Traditional Male and Female Symbols were not Sphere and Shield (Symbol of Mars) and A Mirror (Symbol of Venus) , But simply the arrow head of an upward pointing arrow. It depicted the weapons and aggressive nature of the men. The Symbol for Woman was its reverse – the arrow head of downward pointing arrow. When fused, It became the star of David.

Coming to the grail theory, first let us learn of the Priory of Sion. The Prieuré de Sion is the most controversial French Organisation. The Organisation has along history starting from 1099. They have Grand Masters who share the secrets of the location of the Holy Grail along with their three Senechaux. Once the Grand Masters die, The most worthy Senechaux is made the Grand Master and a new Senechaux is selected through series of Tests. They created the Knights Templar as its military arm and financial branch. It is said that among many, Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, Botticelli and Leonardo Da Vinci were the Grand Masters. The Priory of Sion protects the Merovingian Dynasty because they think that they are the Descendants of Christ, traced back to King David.

Among the Grand Masters, Only Leonardo is said to have spread their Secrets in his Paintings. Mona Lisa depicts the Balance between Male and Female. The Word Mona comes from Amon , The Egyptian God of Masculinity and Isis the Egyptian Feminine God. Amon Isis became Mona Lisa

The Last Supper depicted by Leo has Thirteen Men has no chalice in it at the table. Take a look at this :

The Person next to Christ is not apostle John but clearly a woman. John is described as the Disciple Jesus loved. Clearly it is the code for Mary. She is dressed in exact opposite of Christ – The Yin Yang. Jesus wears red tunic with blue cloak and she wears blue tunic with red cloak. The Person on his left is looks jealously at her. They seemed to be joint at the base and form the Female Symbol. The Symbol depicts the Grail and more importantly The Womb. The outline of the two of them clearly form the English letter ‘M’ . No one knows what it is for but some say it is Mary Magdalene who was none other than Jesus Christ’s wife!

The word Holy Grail comes from Sangreal which comes from Sang Real which means Royal Blood. It refers to Mary Magdalene.  The Holy Grail is not a cup but a person – Mary Magdalene. She had a blood line the Merovingians and her relics were preserved in a secret place. The Crusaders discovered the documents revealing the location of the grail and they and formed the Priory and the Knights Templar to keep it a secret. It is said that it is kept under the Rosslyn Chapel, or Literally Sub Rosa which means under the rose. The Romans hung a rose to show that they were in a confidential meeting and were not to be disturbed and the Priory followed the same. It is said that the church has suppressed the existence of the bloodline for the fear of the power of the sacred feminine.

So, In the end there are many things that we do not know about this vast world. How clever was Leonardo in painting the Last Supper and revealing the Secrets of Christ. Each painting of his has multiple layers of meaning that convey the Pagan and Christian Beliefs. Many More works of Leonardo are lost. Who knows what they had in them? But , One thing is for sure. Most of the Pagan and Christian History are told to us through the most famous paintings of his – The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.

The Grand Masters of The Priory of Sion are :

1.Jean de Gisors (1188–1220)

2.Marie de Saint-Clair (1220–1266)

3.Guillaume de Gisors (1266–1307)

4.Edouard de Bar (1307–1336)

5.Jeanne de Bar (1336–1351)

6.Jean de Saint-Clair (1351–1366)

7.Blanche d’Évreux (1366–1398)

8.Nicolas Flamel (1398–1418)

9.René d’Anjou (1418–1480)

10.Iolande de Bar (1480–1483)

11.Sandro Filipepi (1483–1510)

12.Léonard da Vinci (1510–1519)

13.Connétable de Bourbon (1519–1527)

14.Ferdinand de Gonzague (1527–1575)

15.Louis de Nevers (1575–1595)

16.Robert Fludd (1595–1637)

17.J. Valentin Andrea (1637–1654)

18.Robert Boyle (1654–1691)

19.Isaac Newton (1691–1727)

20.Charles Radclyffe (1727–1746)

21.Charles de Lorraine (1746–1780)

22.Maximilian de Lorraine (1780–1801)

23.Charles Nodier (1801–1844)

24.Victor Hugo (1844–1885)

25.Claude Debussy (1885–1918)

26.Jean Cocteau (1918–1963)

The Real Priory of Sion :

The Priory of Sion mentioned above is probably fake but the most controversial organisation that actually existed was a fringe fraternal organisation, founded and dissolved in France in 1956 (abiding by the 1901 French Law of Associations) by Pierre Plantard. In the 1960s, Plantard created a fictitious history for that organization, describing it as a secret society founded by Godfrey of Bouillon on Mount Zion in the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1099, conflating it with a genuine historical monastic order, the Abbey of Our Lady of Mount Zion. In Plantard’s version, the priory was devoted to installing a secret bloodline of the Merovingian dynasty on the thrones of France and the rest of Europe.

Some Striking facts about The Da Vinci Code :

  1. Father Berenger Saunière (1852-1917) was an actual person who was a parish priest in Rennes-le-Château a small village in France. He was interested in Symbolism , and a bizarre neo-gothic “Tower of Magdala”. He is taken as Jacques Saunière in the book.
  2. Rumours spread that he had found treasure in the village but only had found some artefacts. So the Bishop asked him to leave the village because he had not turned it to the Government of France. The Bishop is considered to be Aringarosa or Silas in the Book.
  3. Saunière refused to leave the village but gave up his priesthood but not before secretly transferring the tower of Magdala to his daughter Marie Denarnaud . This is similar to the way Jacques transfers the Cryptex to Sophie Neuveu before he died.
  4. Marie Denarnaud is probably Sophie Neuveu in the book.
  5. Rennes-le-Château is probably from where Chateau Villette is taken from.
  6. Richard Leigh was one of the Authors of The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail. Leigh Teabing in the book is a Grail Theorist and a Grail Seeker.

The Truth as it Happened :

Constantine was Emperor of Rome from A.D. 312 to 337.  There is a story that he had a vision of a Christian cross before an important military victory; in truth, his conversion to Christianity was probably at least partly for political reasons.  In A.D. 325 he convened the Council of Nicaea, which established some rules for Church administration and also developed the Nicene Creed, a formal statement of Christian belief.

It is not true that the contents of the New Testament was selected for political ends. Although the Biblical canon (the set of writings which Christians count as scripture) was made official in Constantine’s time, there was general agreement on almost the same selection of books by about A.D. 200.

The four Gospels, and only those four, were generally accepted by the Church before A.D. 200. There are many other documents from the period of the early Church which are called Gospels, but in general they are shorter and more specific pieces of writing, and not general narrative histories like the four Gospels that made it into the Bible.  Many of them are of later date, but the canonical Gospels were all written by about A.D. 100.So, the four Gospels were chosen, out of over 80 candidate documents, to support the idea that Jesus was divine.

a vote was not taken at the Council of Nicaea about whether or not Jesus was divine. Dan Brown is probably referring to one of the Council’s main issues, the Arian controversy.  This was a dispute about the exact nature of the relationship between God and Jesus, but the divinity of Jesus was not in question.  And the vote wasn’t “relatively close”; only two bishops, of more than two hundred present, refused to agree to the new Creed.

It’s true that Jesus was astonishingly inclusive when it came to women.  The Gospel accounts tell us that Mary was the first person to meet the risen Christ, and she was clearly an important member of His band of followers.

The old Anglican Prayer Book describes marriage as “an honourable estate, instituted of God” and adds that it was, in part, “ordained for the procreation of children”.  So, officially, no.
However, there’s always been a strong element in the Church which has held that anything worldly – and especially anything to do with sexual relations or alcohol – is tainted and incompatible with a Godly life.  The more extreme forms of this belief have led to branches of the Church which have seen music, theatre and stained-glass windows as evil.
These ideas may have their roots in Jewish tradition, where there were holy people known as Nazarites who took vows of celibacy and abstinence.  But it’s worth noting that Jesus wasn’t one of them; in fact, He was criticised by others for enjoying food and drink, and His first miracle as recorded in John’s Gospel was the creation of a very considerable quantity of wine for a party!
It would actually make very little difference to Christian belief if Jesus had been married.  It certainly wouldn’t “prove” that Jesus wasn’t divine, as The Da Vinci Code suggests.  The only significant thing the Church would have to rethink is the Catholic doctrine of priestly celibacy.

In the first few centuries, women could and did take part in Church leadership; there were some restrictions, but Christianity was far more inclusive than most other organisations at that time.
However, the patriarchal structure of Christendom isn’t really something the Church created.  When Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, it took responsibility for enforcing the Roman social system, which was male-dominated.  So Constantine does take some of the blame here.
Parts of the Church are now making an attempt to redress the balance and give women an equal place in leadership roles.  The Anglican Church in New Zealand has many female clergy, and the Diocese of Dunedin was, in 1990, the first in the world to appoint a female bishop.

There’s no reliable evidence that Mary and Jesus were married. It’s very hard to believe that they could have been married without any definite record having survived.  (Plenty of anti-Christian writings from the time of the early Church are still extant.)
It would have been unusual for a man like Jesus not to be married, but the usual interpretation of this is simply that He was too busy!  His (step-)father Joseph appears to have died by this time, and Jesus would have had a business and relatives to look after.  Later on He was fully occupied in His ministry.

The figure to the right (our left) of Jesus in the Last Supper is St John, who is normally depicted as a young, beardless man.  He’s traditionally the same John who wrote the fourth Gospel some sixty or seventy years later.
The painting is in poor condition and has been retouched several times, and Dan Brown’s description of some of its details goes well beyond what the available evidence can support.

A lot of pre-Christian customs were adopted by Christianity, because (a) they were fun and (b) eradicating them wasn’t worth the trouble.  Christmas trees are an excellent example, and the date of Christmas is probably pagan in origin; the real birthday of Jesus is unknown.
One important part of Christian belief is that there is some good in everything, and that in general things can be redeemed instead of being destroyed.
It’s not true that Constantine set Sunday as the Christian day of worship because of his own pagan beliefs.  Sunday was adopted as the Christian sabbath very early on, because it was the day of the Resurrection.  (It was in Constantine’s time, when Christianity became the state religion, that Sunday became a public holiday.)

In The Da Vinci Code, the Holy Grail is two things combined: the bloodline of the (alleged) descendants of Jesus, and a set of hidden documents about Jesus and Mary Magdalene.  This interpretation is not the traditional one.

The Grail as we know it was first seen in the 12th-century writings of Chrétien de Troyes, a source for much of the mythology about King Arthur (who was actually a real person, although not a king) and his knights.  Traditionally, it’s the cup or chalice used by Jesus at the Last Supper.  However, the Grail story probably pre-dates this association.  It may have roots in Celtic mythology, and the Grail has always been more of a metaphor than a real physical object.

Some Informative Sources of The Holy Grail Theory :

  1. The Holy blood and The Holy Grail by Michael Baigent.
  2. The Bloodline Documentary/Movie
  3. The Messianic Legacy by Michael Baigent
  4. The Sion Revelation:The Truth About the Guardians of Christ’s Sacred Bloodline by Lynn Picknett
  5. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

The following content is not a theory proposed by the author but only a reproduction of the facts that are already published in many books. The author has not accepted these facts as authentic but only reproduced it because of its controversies. This is not written to offend or make fun of the Christians or their faith.

 This is Purely for Educational Purposes.

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